I wrote that e-mail because of what I read fromyou.. When I said I wouldn't decide what to do..I was meaning I couldn't decide how to deal withshannon's feelings and still be able to stay outof it.. Not whether or not to be friends withyou.. The reason Shannon was mad and I was alittle urked about the beach and leaving a dayearly was because every time we all three hangout.. there is always an excuse for not doing itor leaving early.. and we were basically sick ofit.. and at Myrtle Beach.. and felt like beingselfish.. The letter I wrote a few days ago wasmostly out of stress and due to the fact that Ihad a bad day.. The "fuckin's" were uncalledfor.. lol.. Some of it was meant.. Some of it wasexaggerated a bit.. Most was out of anger at thethought of you being sarcastic to me in yourprevious e-mail and knowing that I had beennothing but nice and neutral towards you andthinking I didn't deserve the attitude.. If youwould have just "talked" about this a long timeago.. we all still wouldn't be fighting.. Ibelieve you don't have my stuff and I don'treally care.. If you know me.. YOu would knowthat I would never just be friends with someonebecause I feel obligated.. lol.. Never.. If I'mfriends with someone.. it's because I truly wantto be friends with them.. Now, Granted I'm in atough situation.. because Shannon doesnt' agreewith me.. but she doesn't influence mydecisions.. well.. I have to go.. I'll talk more later miss
I wrote that e-mail because of what I read fromyou.. When I said I wouldn't decide what to do..I was meaning I couldn't decide how to deal withshannon's feelings and still be able to stay outof it.. Not whether or not to be friends withyou.. The reason Shannon was mad and I was alittle urked about the beach and leaving a dayearly was because every time we all three hangout.. there is always an excuse for not doing itor leaving early.. and we were basically sick ofit.. and at Myrtle Beach.. and felt like beingselfish.. The letter I wrote a few days ago wasmostly out of stress and due to the fact that Ihad a bad day.. The "fuckin's" were uncalledfor.. lol.. Some of it was meant.. Some of it wasexaggerated a bit.. Most was out of anger at thethought of you being sarcastic to me in yourprevious e-mail and knowing that I had beennothing but nice and neutral towards you andthinking I didn't deserve the attitude.. If youwould have just "talked" about this a long timeago.. we all still wouldn't be fighting.. Ibelieve you don't have my stuff and I don'treally care.. If you know me.. YOu would knowthat I would never just be friends with someonebecause I feel obligated.. lol.. Never.. If I'mfriends with someone.. it's because I truly wantto be friends with them.. Now, Granted I'm in atough situation.. because Shannon doesnt' agreewith me.. but she doesn't influence mydecisions.. well.. I have to go.. I'll talk more later miss
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