Life isn't Random

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


OK.. you can kiss MY ASS>.. I have been nothingbut sincere and nice to you... because I ACTUALLYFUCKIN' felt BAD FOR YOU!!!!! well.. that was aload of bullshit.. YOu are a spoiled littlefuckin' princess(or at least you think you are!)who can't stay away from their boyfriend for morethan one fuckin' week... How the hell are yougoing to have a life! Where do you get the nerveto say we kept you from doing stuff.. when yourthe fuckin' bitch who kept US from doing I remember correctly... "Felicity.. do youwant to come this afternoon..?? Do you wantanything to eat?? Are you sure you don't wannacome?? It would be fun.... Come on.. "RIIIIIGHT>>> By the fuckin' way.. you didnt' evenpay SHannon back for your.. "DINNER" So.. again..where the fuck do you get off being so mean?? IFanything I should have told your ass off a longtime ago.. but I wasn't sure if I felt like thator not.. but that e-mail did it.. You made up mymind for sure.. IF YOU had the fuckin' were going to leave US wed.. with "HEATHER"..and you would have ditched us the SECOND you gotthe fuckin' chance.. ANd if you were SOOOOOOsick.. you wouldn't have gone out with amber andyour uncle thurs night.. and you wouldn't haverun to fuckin' Jimmy's the SECOND YOU GOT HOME!YOu would be IN BED.. getting "BETTER".... (ifyou were sick) and as I recall... not a tissuewas used on the way home.. not a cough wascoughed.. not a GROAN was Groaned.. and do youknow how many fuckin' times I had to listen toyou groan, whine, bitch, complain, blow yourfuckin' nose.. sleep on the FUCKING FLOOR and cryyour eyes out for "loverboy".. do you even know??yea.. like 50 times on each subject I justmentioned.. BITCH, COMPLAIN, BITCH, COMPLAIN,BITCH, COMPLAIN.... THAT'S ALLLLL I HEARD.. ...ALLLLLL WEEK! but not on Friday! oh no.. feliciywas fine on friday!.. You are selfish andconceited and you need to open your eyes andrealize what a fuckin' bitch you have become toeveryone and how selfish you've become.. you'velost alll your friends except for Jim.. and Idon't even know why he's still with you becauseyou treat him like shit unless you want to messaround.. You control him like a little fuckin'puppy wrapped around your finger.. he could dosoo much better than what you've become.. Youused to be a sweetheart.. what you've become inthe last 6 months or so.. I'll never figure out..yea.. I hope you read this. and I hope youfuckin' take it to heart.. and I hope you crylike you always try to make us feel bad with your"boohoo" sessions.. well. you deserve this actually deserve more than this from all themonths you've been a bitch and not even cared..but I don't feel like wasting any more energy onyou.. You are sooo two-faced also.. You tried sofuckin' hard to ruin Shannon and I's friendship..You were the fuckin' bitch in the middle of itall from our Clarksburg trip.. We finally put thepieces of the puzzle together.. and realized youwere telling me things that weren't true andexaggerating things I said and making everythinga fucking mess.. Half the stuff you said.. youreally had no right to say.. (with Shannon'sbrother's threats and her parents.. yada yada)but that's not even the point.. The point is yourselfish.. and you need to come off your littlepedastal and come back to fuckin' earth.. or elseyou won't have any friends whatsoever and if Jimever realizes what he COULD have.. you won't evenhave him to control.. THen your going to end up alonely old woman that lived a rough life becauseshe was too selfish for anyone to endure in along amount of time.. Hope this opens your eyes..If not.. I'm sorry for what's ahead.. tata for now..

Pfuckin'S: I want my skirt that I know youhave..and I also want my fuckin' make-up.. andshannon wants her blue dress and white shirt thatyou borrowed a year ago.. if we don't get them inthe next week.. expect a call from our parents..have a good day.. :)

Also.. .. I don't need your good luck's for college..your the one who needs a miracle just to get yourass to class.... YOur the one that needs the luckon even getting to college next year.. so.. GOODFUCKIN' LUCK!



I'm sorry, I don't have your dress or Shannon's stuff. I gave you your skirt back the night after thefuneral. Your parents can call if they want. I don'thave it...or your make-up. If I had it, I'd give it back...



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