Life isn't Random

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Look, I was having a HORRIBLE day yesterday with myparents making me feel like crap!! I was just not inthe mood and you made me feel bad that I couldn't goto ICT. I never asked you to go down there and yellat them. I don't want to work where you work, becauseI wouldn't feel comfortable at all. What's wrong withthat? I want to work at a place where I'll becomfortable, and I'm tired of hearing that I have tobe "reliable and dependable", which is why I'm notgoing to work where you do. My parents have been onmy ass all weekend, and I was about to cry when wewere talking, which is why I just said I'd talk to youlater and hung up. I didn't want to let anyone knowhow upset I was, and I didn't feel like talking aboutit. I'm just a horrible, unreliable person and Idon't think that I should be.....never mind. I'll gotomorrow if it's that important to you, but my momtold me not to go. I hope that you're not too mad atme. I just didn't want to cry and be all boo-hoo onthe phone.... Talk to ya' soon, I hope, Felic
P.S. I'm really sorry, but I know you're gonna' be mad. I'm just tired of feeling like a horrible person...


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