Hey Miss,
What's going on? So, are you looking forward tothis trip or what? I am, for many reasons. I thinkthat we've really grown apart and I honestly thinkthat this will give us the chance to feel like bestfriends again. I've really missed being able to tellyou all about stuff and feeling like we're close. Ithink that it'll be a great chance for us. But I feellike if Shann wasn't going, then you wouldn't begoing. I don't want our friendship to be based onwhether Shann's there. I want us to be able to chilland talk without her around....I just really want youto be psyched about this trip. It's going to begreat! I know that you're upset about the program beingcancelled. That really does suck. But I mean, a lotcan happen in two years. You may find another programyou like better, or you may not even want to come backhere at all. If you wanna' talk about it, give me acall. I've got a semi-job interview tonight at 7:30. This woman is looking for someone to baby-sit thissummer from , I think, 8am-6pm, Monday through Friday. She's got an eleven year old and a seven year old. They live in apartments, which have a pool across thestreet! She said they'll spend everyday over there,so all I have to do is lay there and work on mytan....she wants to meet me tonight. I'm prettyexcited. Well, let me know what's going on with yousweety...how come you're so un-loooking forward tothe beach....etc. etc. etc.
Love ya',
What's going on? So, are you looking forward tothis trip or what? I am, for many reasons. I thinkthat we've really grown apart and I honestly thinkthat this will give us the chance to feel like bestfriends again. I've really missed being able to tellyou all about stuff and feeling like we're close. Ithink that it'll be a great chance for us. But I feellike if Shann wasn't going, then you wouldn't begoing. I don't want our friendship to be based onwhether Shann's there. I want us to be able to chilland talk without her around....I just really want youto be psyched about this trip. It's going to begreat! I know that you're upset about the program beingcancelled. That really does suck. But I mean, a lotcan happen in two years. You may find another programyou like better, or you may not even want to come backhere at all. If you wanna' talk about it, give me acall. I've got a semi-job interview tonight at 7:30. This woman is looking for someone to baby-sit thissummer from , I think, 8am-6pm, Monday through Friday. She's got an eleven year old and a seven year old. They live in apartments, which have a pool across thestreet! She said they'll spend everyday over there,so all I have to do is lay there and work on mytan....she wants to meet me tonight. I'm prettyexcited. Well, let me know what's going on with yousweety...how come you're so un-loooking forward tothe beach....etc. etc. etc.
Love ya',
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