Miss, Well, it is 3:30 in the morning and my crazy buttis still awake...I'm definitely going to be gettingsome good sleep before the beach...lol. So I couldn'tsleep and I thought that I should write you an e-mailsince it has been so long since I've written you. Bythe way...thank Wes for "fixing" your computer forme...lol. And how did you date go? Sorry I wasn'tvery enthusiastic for you...I was just bitter...I wasby myself, my mom was at bingo until 10, my dad wasgone until 12:30, felic was with jimmy and you had adate...I know i'm selfish...but I was feeling sorryfor myself! I really do hope that you had a goodtime...and I really don't want you to get hurt...youdeserve all the happiness in the world!!! And if thatboy hurts you I will have to have a little one on oneconvo with him...LOL...I have to look after my sis! I really do consider you my sister! I have neverhad a friend as good as you! You are truly a BESTFRIEND...and I'm really sorry for all the crap I wascoming off with yesterday...part of it was mymom...the whole alan situation (wich by the way...i'mworking on...i've realized that he was a decentguy..but not suited for me!...lol...i know how crazy Iam...)...anyways...some of the stuff I said was true,but for the most part i was just blowing up and takingsome things out on you...SORRY...PLEEEEAAAASSSEEEEDONT HATE ME...you have no choice but to forgiveme...lol! I do trust you and I don't ever wanna feellike I can't...you have really been there for me. Youare still going to the beach...right? I know wetalked after the fight...but I wasn't sure if you wereover what happened...so you need to let me know! Saturday was a crappy day! I just slept most ofthe day and didn't get anything done! I started to goover past memories...old notes...year books...oh and Ihave something very interesting to share...I found TomColwell's signature in my 9th grade yearbook!!! Ididn't even remember knowing him then! I also foundFelic's signature in my 7 and 8 yearbook...I'll haveto show that to her to prove that we were "friends" injr. high. I also found the e-mail where you weretalking about how my mom had said stuff about yourparents and felic had told you...you mentioned thewhole thing about her saying something else was saidbut that she promised not to tell...I started to crywhile I was reading that...I don't really know whythough...those are just some sore spots I guess idon't really understand that whole thing...i was upsetwhen i read that part about you parents not wanting meto do "certain things" with you...if i ever lost youas a friend...i don't know... Well, now that I've said it all...lol...i guessthis is starting to sound like a love letter...lol! Well, I'll talk to ya...write back or call me...shann
ps...i almost forgot something IMPORTANT i wanted totell you!!! I had a long talk with my mom lastnight...and we talked about getting an apartment whenI graduate together so that we can both get away fromthis house...I've never really talked a lot about mypersonal parental issues...but they have always beenreally close to divorce and I can't stand living hereanymore...I wanna move far away...my mom is in thissituation too...I feel like I would be such a happierperson if i could leave this house...i don't have anygood memories here and i wanna start over! Well...ithink that's about it...but you can't tell ANYONEabout me and my mom...i shouldn't have told you..but ineed someone to talk to ....you can't tell you mom,felic..anyone..i know i'm being dumb...but thiscannotleak out! and i know that i can trust you but ijust wanted to stress the fact that this is serious...
bye bye
ps...i almost forgot something IMPORTANT i wanted totell you!!! I had a long talk with my mom lastnight...and we talked about getting an apartment whenI graduate together so that we can both get away fromthis house...I've never really talked a lot about mypersonal parental issues...but they have always beenreally close to divorce and I can't stand living hereanymore...I wanna move far away...my mom is in thissituation too...I feel like I would be such a happierperson if i could leave this house...i don't have anygood memories here and i wanna start over! Well...ithink that's about it...but you can't tell ANYONEabout me and my mom...i shouldn't have told you..but ineed someone to talk to ....you can't tell you mom,felic..anyone..i know i'm being dumb...but thiscannotleak out! and i know that i can trust you but ijust wanted to stress the fact that this is serious...
bye bye
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